Empower Yourself:
Against a Knife
A knife attack can happen quickly and is usually over in just a few seconds. Learn techniques to fight back and be able to go home safe.
Spend an hour or so learning basic and versatile techniques ...
- that will help to keep you safe and out of trouble.
- that will help you take control of a situation if trouble finds you.
This is a free community event.
Pick the best location for you:
Asheboro -- Tues, May 28 at 7:50p
(Inside Randolph Mall, next to the movie theater)
Burlington -- Wed, May 29 at 8p
(Inside Holly Hill Mall, near Sears)
High Point -- Thur, May 30 at 8p
(1116 Eastchester Drive)
Southern Pines -- Thur, May 30 at 8p
(National Athletic Village, 201 Air Tool Drive)
Interested in more information, but these dates don't work for you?
Would you rather have us come to you -- for a lunchtime presentation, workplace training or site-specific consultation?
Contact us to register or for more information.