Empower Yourself:
Be Your Own
No matter how wonderful our husbands, boyfriends, sons or friends may be, there will be times for all of us when we're on our own. Our safety is our priority and responsibility.
Spend an hour or so learning basic and versatile techniques ...
- that will help to keep you safe and out of trouble.
- that will help you take control of a situation if trouble finds you.
This is a free community event.
Pick the best location for you:
Asheboro -- Tues, April 2 at 7:50p
(Inside Randolph Mall, next to the movie theater)
Burlington -- Mon, April 1 at 8p
(Inside Holly Hill Mall, near Sears)
High Point -- Mon, April 1 at 8p
(1116 Eastchester Drive)
Southern Pines -- Thur, April 4 at 8p
(National Athletic Village, 201 Air Tool Drive)
Interested in more information, but these dates don't work for you?
Would you rather have us come to you -- for a lunchtime presentation, workplace training or site-specific consultation?
Contact us to register or for more information.